Aid Stations

The Divide 200 Supplies

The Divide 200 Aid Stations

We're always updating our food so drop us a line if you have ideas!

Here is what you can expect at our aid stations. This can change based on availability and other restrictions. Sometimes demand is higher for some items more than others, but we try our best to keep it stocked.

We cannot provide specific food and drink to suit every taste (e.g. we only have one brand of electrolyte and gel), so if there is something you really must have, be sure to bring it yourself, just to be sure.

Note that some of our supplies are limited by food handling restrictions. We do not have refrigeration facilities out in the bush, so raw and/or perishable foods are hard to keep safe. We will be swapping out food as fast as we can during the race to ensure everything is fresh, but we have to be realistic with our offering.

Please submit your food and supply ideas here.

Basic Aid Stations

Basic aid stations will contain good quality snack foods, with a bit more variety if they are accessible by vehicle.

Main Aid Stations

Main aid stations will contain everything from basic aid stations, plus hot foods and fruit. Note: Hot foods will be prepared as you request them as we can't keep water boiling or meatballs cooking for hours and hours between competitors.

Other Main Aid Station Supplies




Support Crew Accessible + Drop Bag Location (South Bag)


Support Crew Accessible + Drop Bag Location (South Bag)



Support Crew Accessible + Drop Bag Location (North Bag) + Pacer Accessible


Support Crew Accessible + Drop Bag Location (North Bag) + Pacer Accessible



Support Crew Accessible + Drop Bag Location (North Bag) + Pacer Accessible


Support Crew Accessible + Drop Bag Location (North Bag) + Pacer Accessible




Support Crew Accessible + Drop Bag Location (South Bag) + Pacer Accessible

Sun River Honey

Sinister Sports Inc.
Box 460 Bellevue, AB, T0K 0C0

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